Yep. We’re doing this.
You know him, you love him. He’s wacky, he’s wonderful, and he’s inevitable. We can’t have a Marvel game without the Merc with the Mouth showing up, right? It’s time for some fourth-wall-breaking fun!
Fantasy Flight Games is finally ready to announce the Deadpool Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
This is the part where we’d use the same cookie-cutter intro text talking about how Deadpool chimichangas his way into battle in this expansion pack or whatever, but we’re gonna do things a little differently this time. And that’s because we did Deadpool’s hero pack differently; instead of 60 cards, his pack has 78, and instead of him coming with a pre-built Aggression, Justice, Leadership, or Protection deck, he introduces a whole new aspect to the game: the ‘Pool aspect.
Seriously. We’re not joking. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this whirlwind tour of one of Marvel Champions’ most anticipated heroes!
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