Citadel Contrast Paint


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Contrast is a revolutionary paint that makes beautiful painting simple and fast. Each Contrast paint, when applied over a light Contrast undercoat, gives you a vivid base and realistic shading all in a single application.

  • Bases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application
  • Water-based formula
  • Pot size: 18ml
  • Pick up a Shade brush for best results

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Aethermatic Blue, Aggaros Dunes, Akhelian Green, Apothecary White, Asurmen Blue, Baal Red, Basilicanum Grey, Black Legion, Black Templar, Blood Angels Red, Briar Queen Chill, Cygor Brown, Dark Angels Green, Dreadful Visage, Flesh Tearers Red, Frostheart, Fyreslayer Flesh, Garaghak's Sewer, Gore-Grunta Fur, Gryph-Charger Grey, Gryph-Hound Orange, Guilliman Flesh, Imperial Fist, Ironjawz Yellow, Iyanden Yellow, Karandras Green, Leviadon Blue, Magmadroth Flame, Mantis Warriors Green, Militarum Green, Nazdreg Yellow, Nighthaunt Gloom, Pylar Glacier, Ork Flesh, Shyish Purple, Sigvald Burgundy, Skeleton Horde, Snakebite Leathert, Space Wolves Grey, Striking Scorpions Green, Stormfiend, Talassar Blue, Terradon Turquoise, Ultramarine Blue, Volupus Pink, Warp Lightning, Wyldwood


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